This article has been updated to reflect the current meta and include some tips on maximizing damage for each class. As a result, the meta is constantly in flux. Regular updates (and expansions) add new maps, bosses, opponents, and story quests. Updated on August 5th, 2021 by Gabrielle Huston: Guild Wars 2 is a game constantly changing. The classes on the upper end of the scale are all viable and provide impressive damage under the right conditions. Thus, this is a loose list and should be taken with a grain of salt. DPS depends a lot on the type of combat (raids, open-world, dungeons, WvW, PvP, etc.), whether they're in a party or not, and the player's build and skill level - you'll see varying stats for what sustained damage a certain class can reach. For the most part, all of the races are the same under the hood. Unlike some games in which different races have different strengths and weaknesses, Guild Wars 2 does not offer any racial bonuses. The nine classes of Guild Wars 2 are diverse but for "minmaxers" and those that want to see the biggest numbers on-screen, certain classes are better than others. The answer boils down to, play the race you like the best. One of the most affected areas in the game because of the ongoing changes would be the player classes. RELATED: The Best Free PS4 MMO Games You Can Play Over the years, however, it has undergone some massive changes and tweaks. When you get into range swap to axe and use the axe 2 and 3 to pressure the target. Get into range by using your greatsword 5 rush and gs 3.

This is all thanks to how it treats its players and how generous the game can be. 20 Play Guild Wars 2 for Free Warrior Axe Duelist The axe duelist warrior is a very simple build for getting into the fight and doing lots of damaging while being tanky. Guild Wars 2 has been around for a long time and still remains as one of the biggest and most popular massively multiplayer online roleplaying games ( MMORPGs) today.